Why are we called The Midwives?

A midwife is defined as “one that helps to produce or bring forth something.” We started as seven artists looking for support in the process of making - someone to bounce ideas off of, someone to listen and reflect what they heard, someone to make space for us and our work.

I’m not an “Artist,” can I still join?

YES! You do not need to identify as an artist to join The Midwives. We believe in each person’s creativity and are working to break down the labels and barriers of who gets to call themselves an artist and who gets to make work. 

Why do we have folks sign up rather than submit applications? 

The Midwives strive to be an open space that anyone can come to.  

How do we pair Artists and Midwives?

The Midwives place a high value on cross-pollination in regards to discipline, location, and experience. Because of this, we seek to pair people who make different kinds of art or have contrasting backgrounds. However, we consider our participants’ requests, understanding that deep connections can be formed when we share identities and experiences. 

How do The Midwives define a “project”?

We think of a “project” as an active process or focus rather than a specific tangible product or outcome. We have learned that projects are evolving, often intangible things, and can take any form. What is the “why” driving  your project? Is there an idea you are exploring? Something that just keeps coming up for you? Or do you want to give yourself space for reflection and growth?

Do I need a project to be part of The Circle?

The focus of The Midwives’ Circle is the creative process. Exploring what you want to work on can be part of your process with the Midwives. We want to help you figure out how you make things and give you support in that investigation. 

What kinds of projects do people bring to the Midwives?

Projects can be anything and have taken on all shapes and sizes - our past terms included plays, furniture, art installations, dances, grad school applications, poetry, music, curriculum, and video games, to name a few! 

Where does my financial contribution go?

75% of The Midwives budget goes directly to paying people who are delivering the program. These people are the administrators, circle facilitators, workshop leaders, and event producers who make the Midwives programs happen. Most of the labor is voluntary, but we are striving to fairly compensate as many people as possible. (Our goal is to compensate work at $20/hour; currently work is compensated at ~$5/hour.)